Create Text3D
Text3D is a component that allows to render a paragrah in 3D space. It is possible to render a simple header text or a large paragram and configure the limit of the text, wrapping and ellipsis.
Create a Text3D in Evergine Studio
You can create a Text3D click button on from Entity Hierarchy panel to deploy a create menu options and click on the option "Text3D"
A Text3D entity will be added to your scene
In the Text3DMesh component of your Text3D entity you will find the following properties:
Property | Description |
Font | The font asset used. (Font family) |
Layer | RenderLayer used to render the text. |
Text | The text will be drawn. It is possible to use /n to line break. |
Color | The text color. |
Size | The canvas size or area. Enable DebugMode property in the Text3DRenderer component to show this area (blue rectangle) |
ScaleFactor | The text scale factor. |
Wrapping | Word wrapping. If this option is enabled line breaking will be created automatically when the current line hasn't enough space to add more words. |
Ellipsis | If this option is enabled it will show a three ellipsis at the end of the text when hasn't enough space in the canvas to add more letters. |
HorizontalAlignment | Allows align the text horizontally. The available values are: Left, Center, and Right |
VerticalAlignment | Allows align the text vertically. The available values are: Top, Center, and Bottom |
Origin | Allows to configure the origin of the Text3D entity. The value is a vector2 with values between [0-1]. |
LineSpacing | Allows to configure the space between text lines. |
Softness | Allows to configure anti-aliasing effect. The value is a float between [0-2] |
Create a Text3D from code
The following code shows the list of components necessary to convert an entity into a billboard entity.
public class MyScene : Scene
protected override void CreateScene()
var assetsService = Application.Current.Container.Resolve<AssetsService>();
var defaultFont = assetsService.Load<Font>(DefaultResourcesIDs.DefaultFontID);
var text = new Entity()
.AddComponent(new Transform3D())
.AddComponent(new Text3DMesh()
Font = defaultFont,
Text = "Hello World!",
.AddComponent(new Text3DRenderer());
The result:
Enable debug mode
Sometimes will be useful to enable DebugMode property in Text3DRenderer component to draw the debug information of our Text3D entity. The canvas space will be shown as a blue rectangle. The text space will be shown as a yellow rectangle and a red point will be render on each character origin.