Create Postprocessing Graph from code
Although we recommend to create PostProcessing using Evergine Studio, you can achieve this task from code. The following sample code can be used to create a new postprocessing graph and apply it to an entity in your scene.
protected override void CreateScene()
var graphicsContext = Application.Current.Container.Resolve<GraphicsContext>();
// Create compute effect
var shaderSource = @"
Texture2D input : register(t0);
RWTexture2D<float4> Output : register(u0);
SamplerState Sampler : register(s0);
[Profile 11_0]
[Entrypoints CS = CS]
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void CS(uint3 threadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float2 outputSize;
Output.GetDimensions(outputSize.x, outputSize.y);
float2 uv = (threadID.xy + 0.5) / outputSize;
float4 color = input.SampleLevel(Sampler, uv, 0);
Output[threadID.xy] = float4(color.x,0,0,1);
Effect computeEffect = new EffectFromCode(graphicsContext, shaderSource);
// Create Postprocessing Graph
PostProcessingGraphDescription graphDescription = new PostProcessingGraphDescription();
// Create start node
PostProcessingNode render = new PostProcessingNode();
var renderColorTextureOPort = new PostProcessingOutputNodePort("ColorTexture", new PostProcessingNodePortLoadableType<Texture>());
var renderDepthTextureOPort = new PostProcessingOutputNodePort("DepthTexture", new PostProcessingNodePortLoadableType<Texture>());
graphDescription.StartNode = render;
// Create end node
PostProcessingNode screen = new PostProcessingNode();
var screenColorTextureIPort = new PostProcessingInputNodePort("ColorTexture", new PostProcessingNodePortLoadableType<Texture>());
graphDescription.EndNode = screen;
// Create my custom node
PostProcessingNode myNode = new PostProcessingNode(computeEffect);
myNode.ThreadGroupDivisorX = 8;
myNode.ThreadGroupDivisorY = 8;
myNode.ThreadGroupDivisorZ = 1;
// Connect nodes
myNode.GetInputPortByName("input").AddConnection(new PostProcessingPortConnection(renderColorTextureOPort));
myNode.GetOutputPortByName("Output").AddConnection(new PostProcessingPortConnection(screenColorTextureIPort));
PostProcessingGraph graph = new PostProcessingGraph(graphDescription);
// Add postprocessing graph to scene
Entity postprocessingVolume = new Entity()
.AddComponent(new Transform3D())
.AddComponent(new PostProcessingGraphRenderer() { ppGraph = graph });