Default Postprocessing graph
Default Evergine project template imports the Evergine.Core package and this package includes the Default Post-Processing graph with the most important post-processing visual effect common in a project.
Default Postprocessing effects
The complete list of postprocessing effects cover by the default postprocessing graph are:
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Screen Space Reflection (SSR)
- Fog
- Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA)
- Motion Blur
- Depth of Field (DoF)
- Bloom, Dirt, LensFlare, LightShaft
- Fidelity Super Resolution (FSR)
- Sharpen
- Tonemapping, Chromatic aberration, Vignette, Grain, Distortion
- Fast approximate anti-aliasing (FXAA)
Using default postprocessing graph from Evergine studio
These effects can be configured from PostprocessingGraphRenderer
component inside of a postprocessing volume entity.