Physics Bodies
A Physics Body is an object that can interact with the physic world. In some cases is being affected by dynamic forces such as gravity, or collides with other bodies.
Physics Bodies use their attached Colliders to define their physical shape.
Type of Physics Bodies
Rigid Bodies
Rigid bodies are moved around by forces such as collision and gravity. In general, rigidbodies are good choice for objects that can be moved or pushed like boxes, furniture, and obstacles. In Evergine we use RigidBody3D
Static Bodies
Static bodies are not affected by any physic force, and as a result it don't move. Rigid bodies can collide with static bodies. In general, static bodies can be used for objects that are immovable, like walls, floors, etc...
In Evergine we use StaticBody3D
Character Controller
Is a special type of body used for player controlled characters. It is usually controlled by the user inputs.
In Evergine we use CharacterController3D
Is it possible to simulate physical vehicles by using a standard Rigid Body and applying several components to set the Vehicle behavior.
In Evergine, add a PhysicVehicle3D
to a RigidBody entity, and add several PhysicWheel3D
for each desired wheel.
Physics Bodies and Colliders
As we mentioned before, a physic body itself doesn't define its shape. The entity that owns the Physic Body need at least one Collider component to interact with other bodies. For example, a rigid body without colliders will pass through a floor, because it doesn't have any shape to cause collisions.