Transform3D is perhaps the most important Component in Evergine.
The Transform3D components are used to store the Entity's position, rotation, and scale.
Parent / Child Hierarchy
When an Entity is a Parent of another Entity, the Child Entity will move, rotate, and scale in the same way as its Parent does. You can think of the parent/child hierarchy as being like the relationship between your arms and your body; whenever your body moves, your arms also move along with it. Child objects can also have children. Your hands can be considered children of your arms, and your fingers are the children of your hands.
Local vs. World Space
3D positions and transformations exist within coordinate systems called spaces:
World Space
World Space is the coordinate system for the entire scene. Its origin is at the center of the scene:
- Position [0, 0, 0]
- Scale [1, 1, 1]
- Rotation [0, 0, 0]
In an entity hierarchy, this space is used to get the global position of your body hand (following the example explained above).
Local Space
Local Space is the coordinate system where position, rotation, and scale are used, taking the entity's parent as a reference.
Transform3D Properties
When you set a local property, the equivalent world property is set automatically, and vice versa. So, you can place a child object in a global position, and the Transform3D component translates it to local space.
Local Space Properties
The following properties are used to modify Transform3D in local space:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
LocalPosition | Vector3 |
Vector3.Zero |
This is the position of the entity in local space. |
LocalOrientation | Quaternion |
Quaternion.Identity |
This is the orientation of the entity in local space. |
LocalRotation | Vector3 |
Vector3.Zero |
This is the rotation of the entity in local space, expressed in Euler angles. |
LocalScale | Vector3 |
Vector3.One |
This is the scale of the entity in local space. |
LocalTransform | Matrix4x4 |
The transform matrix relative to the parent transform. It is obtained by combining the LocalPosition, LocalOrientation, and LocalScale (TRS matrix). |
As you can see, we use the terminology Orientation to express quaternion properties, and Rotation to express Euler angles.
Internally, the orientation/rotation are stored in a Quaternion value. Therefore, for performance reasons, we recommend using Quaternion properties (apart from the great benefits that Quaternion offers itself).
World Space Properties
The following properties are used to modify Transform3D in world space:
Property | Type | Description |
Position | Vector3 |
This is the position of the entity in world space. |
Orientation | Quaternion |
This is the orientation of the entity in world space. |
Rotation | Vector3 |
This is the rotation of the entity in world space, expressed in Euler angles. |
Scale | Vector3 |
This is the scale of the entity in world space. |
WorldTransform | Matrix4x4 |
The matrix that transforms from local space to world space. It is obtained by combining the Position, Orientation, and Scale (TRS matrix). |
The initial Position, Orientation, and Scale values depend on parent transforms because parent translation, scaling, or orientation changes are propagated.
You can subscribe to transform events to be notified when one of its properties changes:
Event | Description |
LocalPositionChanged | Triggered when the LocalPosition is changed. |
LocalOrientationChanged | Triggered when the LocalOrientation is changed. |
LocalScaleChanged | Triggered when the LocalScale is changed. |
LocalTransformChanged | Triggered when the LocalTransform is changed. |
PositionChanged | Triggered when the Position is changed. |
OrientationChanged | Triggered when the Orientation is changed. |
ScaleChanged | Triggered when the Scale is changed. |
TransformChanged | Triggered when the WorldTransform is changed. |
Hierarchy Properties
Property | Description |
ParentTransform | Indicates the transform of the parent entity. null if the entity has no parent. |
ChildrenTransform | The list of children transforms. |
Useful Methods
Method | Description |
LookAt(targetPosition, up) | Rotates the entity to point to the target position and up vector. All calculations are made in world space. |
LocalLookAt(targetPosition, up) | Rotates the entity to point to the target position and up vector. All calculations are made in local space. |
SetLocalTransform(localPosition, localOrientation, localScale) | Computes the local transform and updates all local space properties. |
We recommend invoking the SetLocalTransform()
method instead of setting LocalPosition, LocalOrientation, and LocalScale separately.