Upgrade My Project to the Latest Evergine Release
Update from Evergine 2023.9.28 to Evergine 2024.6.28
When upgrading to Evergine 2024.6, a few manual adjustments are required to ensure your previous projects work correctly. The main changes include:
- Modifications to how prefabs are serialized.
- Removal of the 2D API.
- Many engine packages are now compatible only with .NET 8.
If you update your project using the Evergine launcher, you might encounter errors such as:
<PATH_TO_OUR_PROJECT>\MyScene.wescene(195,18): error WESC000: Unknown node type, check the visibility of the member. [<PATH_TO_OUR_PROJECT>\MigrateSample.csproj]
To resolve this, run the following script:
Removes deprecated InstancedEntities files.
Removes deprecated InstancedEntities files.
param (
$confirmation = Read-Host "This script performs the following actions:
- Remove InstancedEntities files.
- Migrate modified properties.
They cannot be undone. Do you want to continue? [y/n]"
if ($confirmation -ne "y") { exit }
# Remove InstancedEntities files
Get-Childitem -Path $path -Recurse -Include "InstancedEntities","InstancedEntities.wefile" | Remove-Item -Force
# Replace modified properties
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Include "*.wescene","*.weprefab" |
ForEach-Object {
$p = $_.FullName
$a = Get-Content $p
$a = $a -replace "keyframes","Keyframes"
$a = $a -replace "additionalComponentList","AdditionalComponents"
$a = $a -replace "additionalChildrenList","AdditionalChildren"
$a = $a -replace "removedComponentList","RemovedComponents"
$a = $a -replace "modificationList","Modifications"
$a = $a -replace "entityLinks","EntityLinks"
Set-Content $a -Path $p
Additionally, review your csproj files and update the .NET6 entries to .NET8 for the TargetFramework properties.
Previous Windows project - used by Evergine Studio - was referencing .NET6. Do the same for the rest of your platform-specific start projects.
Lastly, depending on the specific version of Evergine 2023.9 you are using, you might need to run the following script to address any VirtualScreenManager errors, as this has been removed.
Removes VirtualScreenManager entries from scenes. This manager has been removed.
Removes VirtualScreenManager entries from scenes. This manager has been removed.
param (
if ($path -eq "") {
$path = "."
$numberOfFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Filter '*.wescene' | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Filter '*.wescene' |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "($current/$numberOfFiles) Processing file $_.FullName"
$contents = Get-Content -Raw -Path $_.FullName
$preLength = $contents.Length
$contents = $contents -replace "\s+-.*VirtualScreenManager.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*", ""
$postLength = $contents.Length
if ($preLength -ne $postLength) {
Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $contents
Additional Changes for UWP Projects
If your solution includes UWP projects, update the Default.rd.xml files to create Release builds and avoid .NET Native compiler errors.
<Assembly Name="*Application*" Dynamic="Required All" />
<!-- Add line below to make it possible for Release builds -->
<Assembly Name="Vortice.XAudio2" Dynamic="Auto" />