Effect Metatags
In Evergine, effects are written in HLSL language, but to automate some tasks, Evergine includes additional tags that you can add to the HLSL code.
Block Metatags
Effect codes are organized into two important kinds of blocks:
Block | Tags | Description |
Resource Layout | [Begin_ResourceLayout] [End_ResourceLayout] |
This block of code defines all resources (Constant Buffers, Structured Buffers, Textures, and Samplers) using all effect passes. |
Pass | [Begin_Pass:PassName] [End_Pass] |
This block of code defines a RenderPipeline pass. The DefaultRenderPipeline defines three passes that any effect can define: ZPrePass, Distortion, Default. |
Directives Metatags
Inside a resource layout block, you can define the directive set that your custom effect will have. Directives are useful to enable different features of your effect.
A directive can be defined as a two-value On/Off feature or can define a feature with multiple values:
[Directive:Name A_OFF
[Directive:Name A_OFF
[Directive:NormalMapping Normal_OFF, Normal]
[Directive:ShadowFilter Shadow_OFF, ShadowFilter3, ShadowFilter5, ShadowFilter7]
An effect is a set of shaders (known as Uber-shader), and directives help you define this set of shaders. The directives automatically generate multiple shaders when the effects are compiled.
[Directive:Name A_OFF
] will generate a shader with A
enabled and another shader with A
[Directive:Name A_OFF
...] will generate A
, B
, C
, D
... shaders.
Additionally, if you define several directives, it will multiply the combinations. In that case, if you define two directives:
[Directive:FeatureA A_OFF
[Directive:FeatureB B_OFF
It will generate the following shader combinations: A_OFF-B_OFF
, A-C
, A-D
The number of combinations is multiplied by the number of effect passes, so a complex effect would have hundreds or thousands of combinations.
The effects can compile their combinations on-demand at runtime or pre-compile combinations beforehand and use them later at runtime without compilation. This allows you to generate a bundle with compiled shader combinations. To know more details, go to this section.
You can shape your effect code with the #if
, #else
, and #endif
preprocessor directives:
#if TEX
// This code is compiled only if TEX directive is used...
finalColor = ColorTexture.Sample(ColorSampler, input.Tex);
// If TEX directive is not present, this code is reached...
finalColor = ColorAttribute;
Or use any directive combinations:
// This code is compiled only if TEX and NORMAL directives are used...
output.texCoord = input.TexCoord;
Default Values Metatag
Evergine allows injecting default values into constant buffer attributes automatically using tags.
Default values can be injected directly using the [Default(value)] tag:
cbuffer Parameters : register(b0)
float SpeedFactor : packoffset(c0.x); [Default(1.5)]
float3 Position : packoffset(c0.y); [Default(2.3, 3.3, 5.6)]
The default value tag supports the following types: int
, float
, bool
, float2
, float3
, float4
Inject Engine Parameters
Evergine allows injecting engine data into resource layout resources (Constant Buffers attributes and Textures) automatically using tags.
For example, in the following code, the [WorldViewProjection]
metatag is used to inject the object world view projection matrix:
cbuffer PerDrawCall : register(b0)
float4x4 WorldViewProj : packoffset(c0); [WorldViewProjection]
List of Parameter Tags
Here you can find a complete list of available parameter tags that you can use in your effects:
Parameters Tag | Type | Update Policy | Description |
[FrameID] | long | PerFrame | Gets Frame ID. |
[DrawContextID] | int | PerView | Gets draw context ID. |
[DrawContextViewIndex] | int | PerView | Gets the view index of this draw context. A draw context can contain several views (cascade shadow, point light shadows, reflection probe, etc.). |
[World] | Matrix4x4 | PerDrawCall | Gets the world value of the current render mesh. |
[View] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the view value of the current camera. |
[ViewInverse] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the view inverse value of the current camera. |
[Projection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the projection value of the current camera. |
[UnjitteredProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the unjittered projection value of the current camera. |
[ProjectionInverse] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the projection inverse value of the current camera. |
[ViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the view projection value of the current camera. |
[UnjitteredViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the unjittered view projection value of the current camera. |
[PreviousViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the view projection value of the current camera in the previous frame. |
[WorldViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerDrawCall | Gets the world view projection value of the current camera and mesh. |
[UnjitteredWorldViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerDrawCall | Gets the unjittered (TAA) world view projection value of the current camera and mesh. |
[WorldInverse] | Matrix4x4 | PerDrawCall | Gets the inverse world value of the current render mesh. |
[WorldInverseTranspose] | Matrix4x4 | PerDrawCall | Gets the world inverse transpose of the current mesh. |
[Time] | float | PerFrame | Gets the time value since the game has started. |
[CameraPosition] | Vector3 | PerView | Gets the position value of the current camera. |
[CameraJitter] | Vector2 | PerView | Gets the current frame camera jittering. |
[CameraPreviousJitter] | Vector2 | PerView | Gets the previous frame camera jittering. |
[CameraRight] | Vector3 | PerView | Gets the right component of the camera orientation. |
[CameraUp] | Vector3 | PerView | Gets the up component of the camera orientation. |
[CameraForward] | Vector3 | PerView | Gets the forward component of the camera orientation. |
[CameraFocalDistance] | float | PerView | Gets the camera focal distance (used with DoF). |
[CameraFocalLength] | float | PerView | Gets the camera focal length. |
[CameraAperture] | float | PerView | Gets the camera aperture. |
[CameraExposure] | float | PerView | Gets the camera exposure. |
[CameraFarPlane] | float | PerView | Gets the far plane of the camera. |
[CameraNearPlane] | float | PerView | Gets the near plane of the camera. |
[ViewProjectionInverse] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the inverse of the view projection value of the current camera. |
[MultiviewCount] | int | PerView | Gets the number of eyes to be rendered. |
[MultiviewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the stereo camera projection. |
[MultiviewView] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the stereo camera view. |
[MultiviewViewProjection] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the stereo camera view projection. |
[MultiviewViewProjectionInverse] | Matrix4x4 | PerView | Gets the stereo camera inverse view projection. |
[MultiviewPosition] | Vector4 | PerView | Gets the stereo camera view. |
[ForwardLightMask] | ulong | PerDrawCall | Gets the lighting mask, used in Forward passes. |
[LightCount] | uint | PerView | Gets the number of lights. |
[LightBuffer] | IntPtr | PerView | Gets the light buffer ptr. |
[LightBufferSize] | uint | PerView | Gets the light buffer size. |
[ShadowViewProjectionBuffer] | IntPtr | PerView | Gets the shadow view projection buffer pointer. |
[ShadowViewProjectionBufferSize] | uint | PerView | Gets the shadow view projection buffer size. |
[IBLMipMapLevel] | uint | PerFrame | Gets the IBL texture mipmap level. |
[IBLLuminance] | float | PerFrame | Gets the IBL luminance. |
[IrradianceSH] | IntPtr | PerFrame | Gets the irradiance spherical harmonics buffer ptr. |
[IrradianceSHBufferSize] | uint | PerFrame | Gets the irradiance spherical harmonics buffer size. |
[EV100] | float | PerView | Gets the Exposition Value at ISO 100. |
[Exposure] | float | PerView | Gets the camera exposure. |
[SunDirection] | Vector3 | PerFrame | Gets the sun direction. |
[SunColor] | Vector3 | PerFrame | Gets the sun color. |
[SunIntensity] | float | PerFrame | Gets the sun intensity. |
[SkyboxTransform] | Matrix4x4 | PerFrame | Gets the skybox transform. |
Texture Tag | Description |
[Framebuffer] | Framebuffer texture. |
[DepthBuffer] | Depth buffer texture. |
[GBuffer] | GBuffer texture. |
[Lighting] | Lighting texture. |
[DFGLut] | Lookup table for DFG precalculated texture. |
[IBLRadiance] | IBL Prefiltered Mipmapped radiance environment texture. |
[ZPrePass] | ZPrePass in forward rendering (Normal + Roughness). |
[DistortionPass] | Distortion pass in forward rendering. |
[IBLIrradiance] | IBL diffuse irradiance map. |
[TemporalHistory] | Temporal AA history texture. |
[DirectionalShadowMap] | Shadow map array texture. |
[SpotShadowMap] | Shadow map array texture. |
[PunctualShadowMap] | Shadow map array cube texture. |
[Custom0..N ] |
Custom render pipeline texture. |
Pass Settings Metatags
These tags are used inside a pass block code and are useful to configure which settings you want to compile for this pass.
Tag | Description |
[Profile API_Level ] |
Defines HLSL language version and capabilities. The API level values could be:
[EntryPoints Stage=MethodName ] |
Defines the entry point stage methods of the pass. The valid stage values are:
[Mode value ] |
Defines the compilation mode of the pass. Available mode list: