Spring Joint
The Spring Joint is a variant of the previous Six Degrees-of-Freedom joint that includes the addition of springs for each degree of freedom. Springs and motors cannot be combined in this constraint.
In Evergine, a Spring Joint is implemented using the Generic6DoFJoint3D
Common Properties
Property | Default | Description |
ConnectedEntityPath | null | The entity path of the connected body. Only when the path is valid is a joint established properly. |
Anchor | 0, 0, 0 | The point that defines the center of the joint in source entity local space. All physics-based simulations use this point as the center in calculations. |
AutoConfigureConnected | true | Enable this setting to automatically calculate the ConnectedAnchor position to match the global position of the anchor property. This is the default setting. Disable it to configure the position of the connected anchor manually. |
ConnectedAnchor | auto-calculated | Manually configure the connected anchor position, in the connected body's local space. |
BreakPoint | 0 | If the value is greater than 0, it indicates the force that needs to be applied for this joint to break. |
CollideConnected | false | Determines whether a collision between the two bodies managed by the joint is enabled. |
Limit Properties
The following properties set the limits of the object's movement.
Property | Default | Description |
UseLinearLimit | false | If enabled, the position of the connected object will be restricted within the LowerAngularLimit & UpperAngularLimit values. |
LowerLinearLimit | 0 | The lower distance of the limit. |
UpperLinearLimit | 0 | The upper distance of the limit. |
UseAngularLimit | false | If enabled, the angular rotations will be restricted within the LowerAngularLimit & UpperAngularLimit values. |
LowerAngularLimit | 0 | The lowest angle the rotation can go. |
UpperAngularLimit | 0 | The highest angle the rotation can go. |
Spring Properties
The following properties set the spring functionality of this joint.
Property | Default | Description |
UseSpringTranslationX, Y, Z | false | If enabled, apply the spring functionality on the X, Y, or Z axis respectively. |
EquilibriumPointTranslationX, Y, Z | 0 | Sets the equilibrium point of the spring forces along the X, Y, or Z translation axis. |
SpringStiffnessTranslationX, Y, Z | 0 | Sets the spring stiffness along the X, Y, or Z translation axis. |
SpringDampingTranslationX, Y, Z | 1 | Sets the spring damping along the X, Y, or Z translation axis. |
UseSpringRotationX, Y, Z | false | If enabled, apply the spring functionality on the X, Y, or Z axis respectively. |
EquilibriumPointRotationX, Y, Z | 0 | Sets the equilibrium point of the spring forces along the X, Y, or Z rotation axis. |
SpringStiffnessRotationX, Y, Z | 0 | Sets the spring stiffness along the X, Y, or Z rotation axis. |
SpringDampingRotationX, Y, Z | 1 | Sets the spring damping along the X, Y, or Z rotation axis. |
Using Spring Joint
This snippet uses a Spring Joint to add some spring functionality as demonstrated in the Generic6DoF Joint example.
protected override void CreateScene()
this.Managers.RenderManager.DebugLines = true;
// Load your material
var material = this.Managers.AssetSceneManager.Load<Material>(DefaultResourcesIDs.DefaultMaterialID);
var cubeMaterial = this.Managers.AssetSceneManager.Load<Material>(EvergineContent.CrateMat);
float sliderLength = 3;
// Create the slider holder...
Entity slider = new Entity()
.AddComponent(new Transform3D()
Scale = new Vector3(sliderLength, 0.1f, 0.1f),
Rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.ToRadians(-45)) // Rotate the slider axis by 45º
.AddComponent(new MaterialComponent() { Material = material })
.AddComponent(new CubeMesh())
.AddComponent(new MeshRenderer())
.AddComponent(new RigidBody3D()
PhysicBodyType = RigidBodyType3D.Kinematic
// Create the sliding object...
Entity cube = new Entity()
.AddComponent(new Transform3D())
.AddComponent(new MaterialComponent() { Material = cubeMaterial })
.AddComponent(new CubeMesh() { Size = 0.5f })
.AddComponent(new MeshRenderer())
.AddComponent(new RigidBody3D()
PhysicBodyType = RigidBodyType3D.Dynamic,
// Create the Joint
slider.AddComponent(new SpringJoint3D()
ConnectedEntityPath = cube.EntityPath,
UseLinearLimit = true, // Limit the slider
LowerLinearLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, -sliderLength / 2),
UpperLinearLimit = new Vector3(0, 0, sliderLength / 2),
UseSpringTranslationZ = true, // Add a linear spring on the Z axis
EquilibriumPointTranslationZ = 0,
SpringStiffnessTranslationZ = 10,
SpringDampingTranslationZ = 0.02f,